The formulation of the syndrome of interatrial conduction block is an important step for improved identification of patients at high risk of developing atrial fibrillation (those with advanced, that is, third degree interatrial block, which includes retrograde instead of normal activation of the left atrium). The rationale and potential benefits of prophylactic antiarrhythmic treatment of patients with advanced interatrial block currently seems not sufficiently convincing and requires further study including prospective trials. In addition to the identified future directions for research in this syndrome, it seems important also to explore novel electrocardiogram (ECG) methods (e.g. new electrode positions and ECG leads) for improved characterisation of the atrial electrical events. Oesophageal electrocardiography and vectorcardiography are old, venerable and unjustifiably forgotten ECG techniques: their additional use of for better diagnosis of interatrial conduction block is highly commendable.
Velislav N Batchvarov - Organization:Cardiovascular and Cell Sciences Research Institute, St George’s University of London, London, UK