Among the many fascinating points discussed in this cross-therapy session are a number of key issues including:
TimeDiscussion Point
Response to antiplatelet drugs and how we might measure the effects of the drug
Have we got the tests that allow us to assess the response to clopidegrel?
What is the evidence for drug response having an impact on outcomes with peripheral vascular disease and procedures?
In peripheral arterial stenting, is there a relationship between thrombosis and restenosis?
In coronary treatment, are we comfortable in with how long and the intensity we continue antiplatelet therapy?
Do we need further studies assessing the response to clopidegrel a wide range of therapeutic areas, or can we translate the studies from cardiology studies?
This round table discussion is intended for an international audience, specifically interventional cardiologists, interventional radiologists and aligned healthcare professional involved with antiplatelet therapy.
The Round Table Event was supported by Accumetrics.
Designed to support the continuous education of practicing physicians, this roundtable shares leading opinion and addresses the following questions and key educational objectives: