Terminology and Descriptions of the Index Abbreviations - Dr. Ricardo Petraco

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Speaker: Dr Ricardo Petraco, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London

Ricardo Petraco discusses different physiological indices, and explains the derivation and methods for calculation of each index.

Key learning points:

  • 1. Pd/Pa, FFR (Fractional Flow Reserve) , and iFR (Instantaneous Wave-free ration) are pressure-only indices measures using a ratio of the Pd (wire pressure) and Pa (aortic pressure)
  • 2. Pd/Pa and FFR are measured across the entire cardiac cycle, typically using a moving average of 3-5 beats
  • 3. iFR is measured over a phase in diastole, the Wave Free-period where resistance is low and most stable
  • 4. CFR (Coronary Flow Reserve) is the ratio of mean basal flow by mean hyperaemic flow

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Target Audience

This educational activity is intended for an international audience, specifically interventional cardiologists and cardiologists. However, other healthcare professionals involved in the care of coronary artery disease (CAD) patients will also find this topical.

Unrestricted educational grant from Volcano Corporation

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the background of coronary physiology
  • Understanding of coronary blood flow regulation in unobstructed and obstructed coronary arteries
  • Learn what you need to know to implement iFR and FFR in your laboratory 

Other Components in this Moment

Introduction to Advances in Coronary Physiology Course - Dr. Justin Davies
Why do we Need Intra-Coronary Physiology in 2015? - Dr. Andrew Sharp
Intra-Coronary Physiology: Past, Present and Future - Prof. Carlo Di Mario
Terminology and Descriptions of the Index Abbreviations - Dr. Ricardo Petraco
Why do we Use Pressure Instead of Flow - Intra-Coronary Pressure Flow Relationships? - Prof. Javier Escaned
Discussing the Role of Basal Flow for Coronary Stenosis Assessment - Dr. Sayan Sen
An Introduction to iFR: Concepts, Principals, and Limitations - Dr. Justin Davies
FFR Basics and Optimal Technique - Dr. Allen Jeremias
Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls of Physiology Assessment - Dr. Rasha Al-Lamee
Detecting Ischaemia Using Resting or Hyperaemic Indices all give Similar Results - Dr. Justin Davies
DEFER, FAME, and FAME II – The Key Points - Mauro Echavarria-Pinto
DEFER, FAME, and FAME II – What They Didn’t Answer - Dr. Ricardo Petraco
Challenging Cases from the Audience and Faculty - Dr. Florian Krackhardt
Implementation of Physiology into the Catheter Laboratory - Dr. Andrew Sharp
Should Physiological Techniques be Used Routinely for All of Our Patients? - Prof. Javier Escaned
Guidelines and the ACC/AHA Appropriate Use Criteria - Dr. Allen Jeremias
Using Coronary Physiology in Novel and Challenging Diagnostic Settings (CHF, STEMI, CABG and ACS) - Dr. Sayan Sen
Assessment and Treatment of Diffuse and Tandem Coronary Stenoses - Dr. Sukhjinder Nijjer
The Effects of Right Atrial Pressure on Physiology Guided PCI: Not Just Painting by Numbers - Dr. Chris Cook
New Studies Using Physiology to Guide Multi-Vessel Disease Revascularisation - Dr. Mauro Echavarria-Pinto
Challenging Cases from the Audience and Faculty: Using Coronary Physiology in Multi-Vessel Disease - Dr. Florian Krackhardt
Exploring the Future of Coronary Physiology - Dr. Justin Davies
Live Case Demonstration Using Coronary Physiology from Hammersmith Hospital - Dr. Javier Escaned; Dr. Raffi Kaprielian; Dr. Rasha Al-Lamee
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