Health Economic assessment using iFR and FFR to guide revascularization decision-making. - Dr Christopher Cook

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Dr Christopher Cook discusses health Economic assessment using iFR and FFR to guide revascularization decision-making

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Target Audience

This essential guide is an educational activity intended for an international audience, specifically interventional cardiologists and cardiologists. However, other healthcare professionals involved in the care of coronary artery disease (CAD) patients will also find this topical. 

This 2 day course general admission pass which covers  registration, meals, and refreshments.  After course free access to online course resources including powerpoint images, course videos, and links to other Simple Education resources.

Learning Objectives

Advances in Coronary Physiology course provides all you need to know to understand the basics of coronary physiology and what you need to do to implement coronary physiology into the cardiac catheter laboratory.

  • Understanding the background of coronary physiology

  • Understanding of coronary blood flow regulation in unobstructed and obstructed coronary arteries

  • Learn what you need to know to implement iFR and FFR in your laboratory 

  • Learn about the guidelines for appropriate use and reimbursement

Other Components in this Moment

Welcome and introductions to Advances in Coronary Physiology Course - Dr Justin Davies
Hot topics in coronary physiology: DEFINE-FLAIR iFR; SwedeHeart; Syntax II - Dr Justin Davies
Pressure derived indices of stenosis severity - Dr Ricardo Petraco
Live case transmission from Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain - Prof Javier Escaned
Understanding mechanisms of regulation of resting and hyperaemic blood flow - Dr Christopher Cook
Getting the most out of our Advances in Coronary Physiology Courses: online-resources, and certification - Juliet Nilsson
DEFINE-FLAIR and iFR SwedeHeart study design and results - Prof Carlo Di Mario
Flow based indices of stenosis severity - Dr Justin Davies
How to perform iFR and FFR, and best-practice measurement tips and tricks - Dr Ricardo Petraco
Health Economic assessment using iFR and FFR to guide revascularization decision-making. - Dr Christopher Cook
Combined, patient-level pooled analysis of DEFINE-FLAIR and iFR SwedeHeart and safety of deferral in stable coronary disease and ACS. Does flow underlie the results? - Dr Justin Davies
Understanding mismatch between iFR and FFR from DEFINE-FLAIR and iFR SwedeHeart using pressure and flow and exercise physiology data. - Dr Christopher Cook
Safety of deferral in LAD, and non-LAD vessels using iFR and FFR guide approach - Dr Sayan Sen
DEFINE-FLAIR and iFR SwedeHeart: Implication for guidelines and evaluation of coronary ischaemia - Prof Carlo Di Mario
Case study - Dr Justin Davies
Should stenting be used at all? Results and impact from ORBITA - Dr Rasha Al-Lamee
Lessons learned from the 2-year results of SYNTAX II - Prof Javier Escaned
Live case transmission from Hammersmith Hospital
Should we be treating a number? Moving from vessel level ischaemia to stenosis level assessment. Are we missing physiologically significant stenoses? - Dr Justin Davies
Understanding SyncVision Co-registration and why it’s important to distinguish between focal and diffuse coronary disease - Dr Sukhjinder Nijjer
Using iFR Co-registration to plan revascularization decision-making: Cases examples - Dr Sukhjinder Nijjer
Using digital algorithms and AI to improve physiological measurement and data interpretation - Dr Justin Davies
Should we be using a dichotomous cutpoint and what is the meaning of an FFR >0.80 - Prof Javier Escaned
Physiological assessment in coronary stenosis pre TAVI - Dr Sukhjinder Nijjer
Is it still too early to use CT-FFR and angio-FFR in the catheter laboratory in 2018? - Dr Justin Davies
The value of intracoronary physiology in acute coronary syndromes - Prof Javier Escaned
How does right atrial pressure impact physiological assessment? - Dr Ricardo Petraco
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